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The African Diaspora: A Powerful Network for Building Up Africa

The African Diaspora
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The African Diaspora, a global network of people of African descent, is emerging as a critical force in building up Africa. This continent has long been struggling with issues such as poverty, inequality, and underdeveloped infrastructure despite its wealth of resources. With over 200 million members around the world, the African Diaspora can help to gain access to resources, knowledge, and networks. 

Moreover, they can bridge Africa and the rest of the world by building stronger relationships between Africans, people of African heritage and the rest of the world, reducing the cultural and economic splits. One of the areas where the African Diaspora is making significant contributions is in the tech industry, which African countries can benefit from. Their tech professionals create opportunities by mentoring, investing, and connecting with potential business partners, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and development.

Precious, an Information Technology Auditor, is an example of how African diaspora professionals are making significant contributions to the tech industry and using their skills to bridge the digital splits in the world. His work in identifying gaps in policies and processes has helped to remediate control weaknesses, improving the technology infrastructure and security in various fortune 100 companies where he continuously demonstrates his expertise.

Additionally, by launching Arete-Zale Consulting, Precious provides free training and resources to Young people in Africa, creating new opportunities for them to enter the tech industry and pursue their potential. His efforts demonstrate the power of the African diaspora to create positive change and build a brighter future for the continent. He believes in using his gifts and resources to make a positive impact on the world. 

Precious Oshideko has also founded the Precious Oshideko Foundation, which focuses on empowering remote African communities, providing food, shelter, and skill workshops. He aims to promote individual sufficiency, social and environmental sustainability. Through his work, he is making a difference in the lives of people in remote African communities and contributing to a better future for all.

In conclusion, the African Diaspora has the potential to create a brighter future for Africa by providing resources, expertise, networks, and advocacy. It is a binding force in building up Africa, and we should embrace its potential to create economic, social, and political change on the continent.

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