US Insider

Ryan Niddel and His Company MIT45 Championing the Regulation of Kratom

Running a successful company and pushing for proper legislation and regulation of the niche are not commonplace in today’s ever-changing business landscape. But Ryan Niddel, partner and CEO of the leading kratom company, MIT45, is deeply involved in the regulation of kratom and working closely with the several regulatory bodies to achieve this goal. Through MIT45, Ryan Niddel is creating a culture shift in the company to a mid-market corporate environment, to keep pace with the company’s success. MIT45 mirrors all of Ryan Niddel’s goals with the growth of sales, culture-based team innovations and refinements in manufacturing and operations at the company. His goal is to remain as one of the leading kratom companies in the industry, and he’s walking the talk with giant strides.

Ryan Niddel believes that products from all size companies should meet the highest standards available. Where most companies focus on what’s the minimum that can be done to “get by,” Ryan believes that it is a company’s responsibility to go to lengths far surpassing the minimum to ensure an unbelievable customer experience. He also believes in openly sharing the independent lab testing that is a staple of MIT45’s production cycle. Niddel shares that trust is paramount to the success of any thriving brand. All of these are things he has implemented in MIT45’s operations by working closely with the Utah Department of Agriculture and the American Kratom Association to increase the regulation of kratom so it can continue to be a safe, viable product.

Explaining his perspective, the CEO said: “We consistently test our product to make sure it is of the highest quality and purity when it leaves its place of origin. And we don’t stop there because certainly, things can happen as a product is passing through -many hands in transit, so we test again where it lands stateside. We test the product again as a finished product to ensure that the final product exceeds quality expectations. We also place a label on the finished product for anyone to scan and see the full history of the product. So, we believe we should be transparent about the great lengths we go to in ensuring a high-quality product.”

Ryan also encourages all consumers to learn more about what they consume and to get to know how the companies producing some of their favorite products actually operate. This explains why he’s making sure MIT45 produces kratom that does not contain addictive chemicals that lead to any form of dependence. “We believe that anybody using kratom should be able to do so at their leisure and not feel any level of chemical dependence towards it,” he said.

Thus, to change the status quo, Ryan Niddel is pushing for ways in which consumers can trust in and recognize Kratom brands efficiently and accurately. Because of our products’ success and leadership in the industry, we have faced the imitation of our products by other companies. “So, we encourage consumers to do some research before they purchase a product. Go to the manufacturers’ website and see their product offerings.”

MIT45’s continued success and Ryan Niddel’s commitment to quality products are the results of his vast experience in the business world and his longstanding interest in humanitarian causes. He has helped with the acquisition and exit of over 11 companies while seeing their collective revenue surpass $237 million. In the last two and a half years, he has tripled the revenue of over five companies, adding $950 million in valuation to the companies. He’s also a major contributor to charities like Big Brother Big Sister, Operation Underground Railroad, The Buckeye Ranch, and other causes he cares about.

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