US Insider

Refined Apes Block Party Set to Launch and Create an Innovative Experience With Its Upcoming Metaverse

For the past couple of decades, video games have become a staple in entertainment. While gamers often look forward to a new adventure, art enthusiasts anticipate the promotional artworks that accompany the buildup to the games. As the years go by, people have witnessed significant improvements in games and their promotional arts, shifting away from the traditional pixel art style and popping to life with 3D models and true-to-life rendering.

In the past two decades, the programs used to create games and digital art have become accessible for anyone with a computer, giving artists and developers the opportunity to polish their craft and even strike out independently. The same technology has also been used to give birth to the likes of cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Tokens, two of the most impactful breakthroughs in the digital era.

Although NFTs were created at the same time as cryptocurrency, it wasn’t until 2021 that they started to grow popular. Coming in various mediums that range from digital art, music, video clips, and even social media posts, the success of NFTs have sparked several projects to launch in the digital space. Most brands have opted to create tokens with digital art, often with 2D animal-based drawings. Joining the trend is the Refined Apes Block Party or RABP NFT.

RABP NFT is an upcoming project that was developed for metaversatile artists, gamers, and social media users so they have the opportunity to participate in a metaverse that incorporates various concepts and products from the project’s partners. The project strives to create a unique, everyday virtual experience that Refined Ape holders can also benefit from with its monetization. 

While the project follows the same framework that other brands use (using animals as the face of the brand), the developers of RABP can easily distinguish themselves from other brands with high-quality works. Each ape is uniquely generated with accessories and features so no two apes are alike. 

RABP NFT was developed by a team that consists of gamers and art enthusiasts. They conceptualized the project after getting inspired by various games that offer a look into a virtual world, stimulating imagination. “When NFTs came into the limelight, an opportunity presented itself to engage digital artists and create our own metaverse that can easily be used by casual, everyday users and advanced users,” shared the team. 

Although the project has seen a few technological problems, the RABP team is tasked with overcoming the challenge of marketing their project and making people realize the gem at hand. They are currently mapping out plans to market the NFT and grow their Metaverse population and community so holders can start enjoying it. RABP has already secured partnerships with the NFT marketplace ClosedSea and two other major projects that are yet to be announced. The team has also started the basic groundwork for collaboration to ensure monetary gains for holders.

“Our future plans are to develop the metaverse further and secure partnerships with more event management companies,” shared the team, expressing their enthusiasm and outlook on RABP NFT’s future.

Learn more about the Refined Apes Block Party by visiting their official website. You can also get more updates by following them on Instagram and Twitter and joining their Discord server.

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