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Narine Arakelian: Merging Art and AI for a New Era

Narine Arakelian Merging Art and AI for a New Era
Photo Courtesy: JOPR

By: Andrea Cox

Born in Siberia and of Armenian descent, Narine Arakelian graduated from the prestigious State Surikov Institute in Moscow in 2015. Under the expert guidance of master artists such as Aidan Salakhova, Sergey Ossovsky, and Yuri Shishkov, she refined her artistic talents. Following her academic achievements, Narine completed a rigorous year-long internship at the Digital Arts Department at the Los Angeles Academy of Art, solidifying her expertise in new media. She is an accredited member of the Russian Union of Artists and has contributed significantly to the art community with her innovative work.

Narine Arakelian Merging Art and AI for a New Era
Photo Courtesy: JOPR

Narine’s artistic repertoire spans a wide range of mediums, transitioning from traditional academic art to cutting-edge multi-media contemporary art. Her portfolio includes performance art, virtual reality, digital art, and complex installation pieces. This diversity in her artistic expression blends traditional art forms with modern artificial intelligence, reflecting her journey and motivations, deeply rooted in her Siberian heritage and enriched by her global experiences.

Arakelian’s deep interest in the integration of art and artificial intelligence originates from her desire to explore the synergistic potential between cutting-edge technologies and her visionary artistic approach. “Working with AI has opened new horizons in my creativity, offering unexpected insights and a fresh perspective on my art,” she explains. This profound exploration has resulted in unique artistic expressions that deeply resonate with audiences, reflecting contemporary themes and existential queries through a digital lens.

Narine Arakelian Merging Art and AI for a New Era
Photo Courtesy: JOPR

At the core of Arakelian’s artistic endeavors is an intricate tapestry of life’s rich textures. “My inspiration comes from life itself, the complexities of femininity, and the nuanced ways in which women perceive the world,” she shares. Her projects skillfully meld physical and digital realms, capturing the transition from tangible art forms to immersive digital experiences while maintaining the essence of personal identity and femininity.

Looking ahead to 2024, Arakelian’s artistic ambitions are reaching new heights with plans to expand her creative expressions into larger outdoor sculptures and more comprehensive exhibitions. Driven by a commitment to environmental sustainability and societal well-being, she aims to create art that not only beautifies spaces but also promotes ecological consciousness and community engagement.

Her journey is also deeply personal, profoundly influenced by her mother’s unconditional love and unwavering support, which has been instrumental in fostering her creativity. “My mother’s inspiration and faith in me have been the bedrock of my artistic journey,” she fondly recalls. This familial support has been pivotal as she navigates the complexities of a career in the arts.

Inspired by the profound musings of existential philosophers and the timeless inquiries of Shakespearean drama, Arakelian’s art invites audiences to engage in deep reflections on existence and personal identity. “The timeless question of ‘to be or not to be’ has profoundly impacted my artistic philosophy,” she reveals. Through her innovative work, Arakelian challenges viewers to explore these existential questions, offering a space for introspection and self-discovery.

Narine Arakelian Merging Art and AI for a New Era
Photo Courtesy: JOPR

Narine Arakelian’s artistic journey transcends conventional boundaries, forging innovative pathways where artistry and technology intersect. Her narrative is a powerful testament to the potential of creativity and technological integration in art. As her career unfolds, she continues to inspire and captivate global audiences with her visionary creations and her commitment to pushing the boundaries of what art can achieve in the modern era.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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