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How Predictive Marketing Is Shaping The Future Of Mobile Advertising

Cloé Dana is the CEO of Tempr., a technology providing predictive marketing for ambitious mobile app marketers. Working closely with companies powering change in the mobile advertising industry, Cloé explains how predictive marketing is now shaping their future.

What is prédictive marketing ?

The mobile advertising industry has evolved considerably within the last two years. New user privacy regulations have disturbed how mobile app marketers were used to running, measuring, and optimizing their ad campaigns. To cope with this evolution, and keep a relevant User Acquisition (UA) strategy, more and more adopt predictive marketing.

Predictive marketing is a branch of marketing that uses data science, (artificial intelligence – also called AI) and analytics to predict customer behaviour by analysing both historical data (e.g., revenues, ad spend) and exterior parameters (e.g., bids, budgets, and other KPIs). Ultimately, using predictive marketing helps apps to create ad campaigns that are more likely to result in conversions.

Ad Campaign optimisation

With predictive marketing, apps can now forecast the success of their ad campaign. They can estimate success rates more accurately (80+%) and effectively than ever before. Thanks to AI technology, apps also receive actionable insights to make better decisions in terms of bids, and budgets.

How? By letting artificial intelligence run thousands of scenarios and identify the best ones, apps limit their time-consuming guesswork, risk less money. According to Wendy Gonzalez, the CEO of Sama, interviewed by Forbes, “91% of today’s top marketers claim that they’re either fully committed or implementing some form of predictive strategies moving forward”. Indeed, it would optimize their conversion rates by 22% on average.

Creative optimisation

With predictive marketing, even the creative optimization process is ameliorated.

How is that?

Data of the creative elements inactive ads are collected by AI and are correlated with their real-time performance based on chosen metrics, such as Click Through Rate (CTR), for example. Elements that increase or decrease ad performance are recognized and used to fine-tune the creatives on active campaigns. Predictive marketing improves the creative performances as it analyses creative trends and gives actionable insights that enhance better decisions regarding:

● Ad type (e.g., video, image resolution)

● Placements

● Assets

○ Background

○ Call To Action (CTA)

○ Colours

○ Creative pattern

○ Face and emotions

○ Format, ratio

○ Pixel, resolution

○ Text (size, colour, typology)

This results in an optimized campaign language that will deliver the right message, to the right people, on the right channel, in their unique brand voice. Technology allows the apps to speak in an individualized tone that is relevant for the audiences; which means more successful campaigns.

Thrive in the data privacy era

Protecting users’ data has become a big concern. When launching iOS 14+, Apple drastically changed the way mobile marketers would receive attribution to protect user-level data. They implemented a framework called SKAdNetwork (or SKAN), which obliges app developers to ask users if they agree to be tracked, or not. If you want to know more about SKAdNetwork you can read our article “SKAdNetwork: definition & limitations to mobile app marketing”.

What does it mean?

The measurement of campaign success and post-install user activity, both in the granularity and window time of events are consequently restricted. The way marketers we’re used to doing UA is behind them. As the ability to cohort users and analyse their value is considerably decreasing, mobile marketers need to find another way to understand how to run successful ad campaigns, and in a new privacy era, prediction provides just that.

As an example, Tempr. translates the encrypted data into scenarios and predicts user activity based on data from consented tracked users, organic traffic, and Android users.

To sum up, there’s no doubt: the future of the mobile advertising industry is predictive. Predictive marketing enables mobile app marketers to run successful campaigns with less risk. Whether coping with new user privacy regulations or making informed decisions on campaign parameters and creative assets, predictions show how to best allocate the marketing resources to different ad campaigns. Overall, advertising costs decrease and revenues increase.

Have you tried using predictive marketing for your app or business?

Follow Cloé on LinkedIn, or check Tempr.’s website.

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