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Become an Authority in Your Market by Writing and Sharing Your Knowledge

Become an Authority in Your Market by Writing and Sharing Your Knowledge
Photo Courtesy: Muhammad YSDPro

By: Strategy Achievers LLC

Everyone has an opinion. Does yours matter?

Today, there is an influx of information from all kinds of sources. You can set yourself apart by sharing your knowledge and becoming a trustworthy source. 

There is a need for credible information, which you can contribute by writing and sharing factual opinions and ideas based on experience and research in your area of expertise. 

Moreover, being a valuable source of information on your niche can be one of the most powerful tools in helping build authority and positioning yourself as an expert in your field. 

This is a great marketing strategy as it helps you stand out. Building on it can help you become a thought leader. And you can leverage this authority to sell more or charge premium fees for consultation and other services. 

Tips to Writing Your Way to Authority

Below are tips for leveraging your writing and making a mark in your industry. 


Building authority is a continuous process. To get noticed in a world filled with influencers, you must show up regularly with authentic information. In time you’ll build a relevant audience that trusts you and your brand. 

Consistency also applies to your messaging across various platforms. Whether it’s contributing to industry spaces and forums, or what you write on social media presence, regularly share your knowledge in your field and let the message align with your brand. 

Value proposition

Inspiring, educating, and mentoring people through your writing is great. But at the end of the day, your brand should also reap the benefits of your efforts.

While sharing your expertise, introduce your product. Demonstrate to your audience how the product or service is valuable to them. Educate them on why it’s helpful and a good option in your field. How can it solve a problem or satisfy a need?

You can subtly introduce your products and services and market them without trying to sell them. 

Embrace emotion

We are all human and have the behind-the-scenes side that isn’t always shared with the public. 

Aside from sharing your expertise, from time to time, you can give real-life stories about your experiences and what makes you human. 

It is easier to connect with people when they know you have a human side and not all business. That you are also vulnerable and have had learning experiences on your way to becoming who you are today.

You can share about your past and what shaped you into the great entrepreneur you are today. Or your present fun activities or routines to stay focused that may endear you to your audience.

Storytelling can make you more relatable and draw more people to trust you and your brand.

Write a Book

When you want to delve deeper into the topics of your expertise, consider writing a book. Social media, forums, and blogs might be good writing avenues, but a book can be a better option for going into deeper detail and portraying your knowledge in a whole new level.

Besides, when people read your book, they see the broader perspective of your insights. You are able to portray your experience, wisdom, and research in depth. 

It is your chance to give solutions to prospects, show them how they can better their lives, and display your mastery of your niche. Your contribution shows your expertise and stamp authority in your field. 

A book also becomes your business card, where potential partners and consumers are introduced to your work in detail. 

While dedicating yourself to writing a book may seem overwhelming, you can collaborate with like-minded individuals and contribute to a book project.

In a chapter in Brian Tracy and Medhat Zaki’s book project, Succeeding in Business in any Market, you can share your expertise and tips for succeeding in the niche.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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