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6 Tips on How to Reduce Your Exposure to Mobile Radiation

Mobile Radiation – Our tablets, computers and smartphones have become a reflection of who we are: our life choices, our preference, our interests and our insecurities. While cell phone towers are the most “visible” sources of EMF radiation, the cell phone is the source of “highest exposure” of your radiation exposure (in general, with some exceptions).)

The era of the smartphone and 24×7 hyper-connectivity is truly upon us. .Smartphones have become part and serve microcosms of life. In our EMF radiation assessment line of work, we are faced with multiple cell tower audit requests – yet we see people wearing mini cell towers around the clock – their smartphones. We estimate that your cell tower radiation exposure outside your home is less than 20% of excess radiation.

It’s no wonder that smartphones universally have to meet a radiation limit – called the SAR value. 

Here’s a list of cell phone attacks that will reduce your exposure to EMFs.

1. Text, use earphones or Bluetooth, especially for more extended conversations.

Reason: The radiation exposure decreases exponentially as the distance between the source (the phone) and the subject (the user) increases.

Effect: This hack itself reduces your cell phone’s radiation exposure by 55 per cent- 98 per cent. Restrict calls in an area with a little network: In a weak network area, the phone works several times harder to reach the signals of mobile phones and thus radiate much higher.

Effect: If you get a lot of interruptions in phone calls at home or in the office, limiting mobile calls can reduce your exposure by 20 per cent – 50 per cent. Follow step 1 for best results, choose airplane mode to play for children.

Reason: children are more sensitive to mobile radiation. Airplane mode during play cuts your kids’ excessive radiation exposure.

Effect: Depending on the number of gaming hours – this hack can reduce your children’s radiation exposure by 15-60% or more.

2. Sleep without your phone

Reason: Your body’s defenses are the weakest when you are sleeping. Biological repair processes precede during the state of sleep. Radiation and electromagnetic fields from cell phones can interfere with physical recovery and use restless sleep.

Effect: Reduces radiation exposure by 25% – 40% or more percent. Your pants pocket the worst place for your phone (gentlemen)

Reason: Phones were never meant to be carried in the front pockets of pants due to the effect of male fertility EMF radiation.

Effect: According to recent studies, 25 to 30 per cent of men of productive age have reduced sperm counts. This hack is preventive.

3. Do not use telephones while driving or on trains.

Reason: Not only mobile phone calls don’t just cause accidents while driving, but the metal structure of the vehicle concentrates the RF / cellular radiation, intensifying the RF effect on your body.

Effect: vehicles (cars, trains) continue to enter and exit networks. Therefore, a cell phone used in such a scenario is highly radioactive.

4. Use a landline whenever possible 

Reason: Landline phones have minimal radiation. Therefore, call from your desk phone while sitting at your desk. Try to call back using the desk phone, even if someone is calling from your cell phone, try calling back on your landline.

Effect: Dramatically reduces radiation exposure depending on how long you talk on your cell phone at work.

5. Keep your distance even while using data

Reason: YouTube is great, but keep your phone some distance away. 

Effect: 10 percent – 35 percent reduction percent radiation exposure depending on online video habits. Bring the phone face-in towards your body.

Reason: The antenna is usually located on the ante side of the phone. By keeping the back of the body away from the body, we can create a distance difference that partially reduces the EMF radiation absorbed by the body.

Effect: most important criteria if you carry your phone in your jacket pocket. Otherwise also important.

6. During pregnancy, minimize the use, transportation and exposure to cell phones.

Reason: The baby inside the mother is more vulnerable to electromagnetic fields and unnatural radiation.

Effect: There are multiple effects related to electromagnetic fields on the child, including autism. Lower and limited exposure to electromagnetic fields helps the baby grow better.

In conclusion, if all of this isn’t convincing enough, you might consider your cell phone as a mini microwave that you always have with you, so you might choose to handle it more responsibly.

We are not against carrying cell phones. However, it’s essential to know the highlights of cell phone radiation – which can enable healthier habits and uses.

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