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Trans on the Right Activist Ashley Belle Sharing her Experience and Opinions as a Conservative Trans Woman

The beauty of gender identity lies in its dynamic nature. As people change and discover their true selves, so does their gender identity. YouTuber and activist Ashley Belle is a testament to this. The inspiring individual now wants to use her story to inspire others and raises her platform, Your Trans on the Right, to help others find their voice and embrace their identities. 

Born biologically as a male, growing up in the majestic deep mountains in Vermont and surrounded by forested natural beauty, young Ashley Belle engaged in boyish and manly activities such as hunting, four-wheelings, shooting guns, working construction, metal fabrication and more. Still, despite it all, she always knew she was different. “I always knew since I was around five years old that I disagreed with what I saw in the mirror. It’s not just mental; it’s also very much from the heart,” she recalled.

All those years, she had a gut feeling she was a woman stuck in a man’s body, but she also understood that transitioning is a life-changing experience and should be handled with care.  The inspiring individual went on to college and served her country by joining the US Air Force for 19 years. However, it was not until she was 45 that Ashley finally felt convinced and transitioned into a woman.

As someone who now fearlessly embraces her femininity and is fully committed to her authentic self, Ashley realizes her upbringing played a pivotal role in preparing her for life ahead. “I don’t regret how I grew up; it made me who I am today. You have to be strong mentally and emotionally for transition. I did this all independently without pressure from teachers or anyone,” she shared.  

Being able to freely express herself and acknowledge her identity has been a life-changing experience for the brilliant visionary. Now, she aims to use her story to inspire others by highlighting that everyone’s journey is different and unique by advocating against the leftist agenda of kids’ puberty blockers. “This is not for kids. They need to grow on their own and with their own mind… their own choice,” she explained. 

Owning her identity as a conservative, strong Trump supporter and transwoman, Ashley Belle never shies away from speaking up when necessary. Through her platform,  Your Trans on the Right, she educates others that there are also members of the LGBTQIA+ community on the right side of the political spectrum, such as fellow trans personalities Blaire White and Buck Angel. “I’m your Trans on the Right” is precisely what it says. The general public needs to know that not all Trans is on the left side of the political aisle,” she says. 

In the coming years, Ashley Belle aims to continue using her influence and platform to change the narrative that all trans people are liberals, connect with conservatives, Republicans, LGBTQ communities, liberals, and democrats and discuss critical societal issues.

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