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Surplus Cashflow: A Review of Spencer Vann’s “100% Recession-Proof” Passive Income Opportunity

Surplus Cashflow
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Surplus Cashflow partners with individuals to generate a fully recession-proof passive income using surplus funds, an industry worth $100 billion. This business model involves reuniting people with their lost money and earning a finder’s fee check of 4, 5 or even 6 figures. 

Spencer Vann, founder of Surplus Cashflow, says that 1 in 10 Americans is owed unclaimed money, which amounts to almost 40 million individuals. Determined to make the most of a lucrative opportunity, in 2017, he founded, an educational institution that taught others about surplus funds. During his tenure, he amassed 5,000 students and recovered an estimated $500,000,000 in total funds.

With his new venture, Surplus Cashflow, according to Spencer, investors can “sit back and collect checks,” as he and his team do all of the heavy lifting and day-to-day operations of the business, including acquisition, follow-up, and team management.  

The company showcases a series of mind-blowing success stories of investors who have made substantial profits in an extremely short period of time.

Charles, a former Uber driver, managed to rake in $45,000 per month in just eight weeks.

Bernie, a previous investment failure, managed to make an impressive $24,000 in his first 30 days with the company.

Luke, an established real estate investor, was able to diversify his cash flow and generate $9,000 in his very first month, which rapidly escalated to $40,000 per month.

Lee, a highly successful entrepreneur, earned over $100,000 in gross income within his first month.

Jay’s success was beyond imaginable, as he managed to collect nearly $100,000 in checks in just a single day, making it the most unforgettable day of his life.

One thing that Spencer makes clear is that he doesn’t make this opportunity available to just anyone looking to make money online. He makes it clear that he only works with 3 types of people. The first group of people are advisors, attorneys, CPA’s, and other professionals looking for alternative recession-proof investments.

The second group are business owners, franchise investors, real estate investors, and any other type of investors looking to diversify their income and their holdings.

The third group are people who already have a source of income and are looking for an additional investment opportunity, with at least $30,000 available to invest.

He also states that this is not for people who are looking to learn the business model through a course, as Spencer does not sell courses, stating, “we’re not here to teach you how to do this. We’re here to do it with you and help you get a passive return.”

However, there is one catch and downside to this business model: The payout times can take up to 6 to 12 months before payment is received.

Still, Spencer Vann claims that partnering with a business like his will still benefit the investor long term. He states, “Obviously, waiting 6 to 12 months creates a massive cash flow issue. So your investment with us allows us to grow and scale without waiting for deals to pay out, and in return, you get a piece of the profit.”

Basically, what Spencer is getting at here is that the more he can scale his business, the more he can help investors garner larger profits than what they could have otherwise done if they were to run the complete business on their own.

Waiting 6 to 12 months to start seeing a return on investment is still faster than the first payout you can expect from franchises. For example, Amazon typically takes longer to generate sales as you need to secure a lease and build the entire store out. However, by using the investment from investors, Spencer is able to scale Surplus Cashflow to grow, and at the same time, investors get to reap the benefits of a larger ROI.

Considering the vast number of success stories and client testimonials on, it may definitely be worthwhile exploring the potential benefits of Surplus Cashflow.

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