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Magician Oscar Owen Reveals The Secret To Getting 1 Million Followers Online

Famous British magician and YouTube sensation Oscar Owen has grown his social media following to over 1 million people. To put that in perspective, his audience dwarfs the population of Alaska by almost 300,000 people. Owen now dominates YouTube and TikTok, where he teaches world class magic tricks to his audience. His videos have been watched more than 100 million times by people in 180+ countries, which is why The Mail Online dubbed him as being “one of the most influential magicians of the decade.” With such a large following and reach on social media, we had to ask Owen how he has grown his online presence to become one of the most well known and sought after magicians in the world. 

Oscar took some time out yesterday to chat with us about his meteoric rise on social media, and shared some secret insights into growing an online audience.

How Oscar Owen went from performing magic at local bars to building a following of more than 1 million people.

Owen told us that when it comes to building an online presence, there are two key skills that you need. First you need amazing content, and second you need that content to be shareable. These are the two underpinning rules that govern all the videos he publishes on social media. For example, take a look at his YouTube channel. Owen makes sure that each of his videos are filmed to a hollywood level of quality; the introductions are cinematic, the lighting is dramatic yet clear and he even takes the time to do a voice over on all his videos (which 99% of other magic channels don’t do). When you put all of this together, Owen’s YouTube videos are leaps and bounds above his competition, meaning people are more likely to watch, share and subscribe to his channel. So, as Owen puts it, the first golden rule to building a large online following is to make the highest quality content possible.

How do you make your content shareable? 

As a social media growth expert, Oscar Owen understands exactly what it takes to make shareable content. In fact, he only started posting onto his TikTok account in November 2021, and within 30 days had already surpassed 100,000 followers. Owen says that there are two secrets to growing on TikTok. Firstly, you need to post regularly. The more you post, the more chances you have of going viral. And secondly, you need a ‘hook’ at the beginning of your video. Think of something that will engage the viewers (such as an interesting fact, a stimulating question, or in Oscars case, an amazing magic trick). Having a hook will encourage viewers to watch the entire video which results in TikTok/YouTube sharing your video with more people.

How do you monetize your audience?

Social media monetization is when you generate revenue from your audience. It is one of the most effective ways to earn additional income from your business, and is something that Oscar Owen has expertly done to make over 6 figures a year. To generate a solid income, you need to understand your audience, what their challenges are and what they desire. Then go about creating a product that solves these problems. Oscar has done this with his course Card Magic Pro – a step-by-step paid-for tutorial series that takes anyone from being a complete beginner in magic, to an advanced card magician in just a matter of weeks. In fact, it is currently the most popular card magic course in the world, boasting over 10,000 members with more people signing up everyday. 

Owen has also released a cheaper product for those who are unable to afford his course. Namely, a book called Mind Blowing Magic Tricks For Everyone, which quickly became a bestseller after its launch in November 2021. Inside the book, Owen reveals over 50 of the greatest magic tricks ever created, and clearly explains how they work through the medium of photos and text. What’s particularly clever about Owen’s strategy is that he has multiple products at different price points, allowing him to effectively monetize more of his audience and help them become better magicians.Overall, Oscar Owen’s meteoric rise on social media is impressive but not surprising when you see the amount of work he puts into building his audience. His growth principles are simple – produce lots of high quality content and make it shareable;  but in practice,  this requires several hours a day of hard work, trial and error. As an entrepreneur, Owen is changing the game when it comes to learning magic, and has inspired many thousands to pick up a deck of cards and learn a new skill. That being said, he doesn’t actually have any ‘superpowers’ and if you are looking to grow your own online following, and you have the time and dedication to do so, then there is a distinct possibility that you too could also follow in Oscar Owen’s footsteps.

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