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Beyond Customer Experience: The Power of Customer-Optimized Operations

Lasandra Barksdale: Power of Customer-Optimized Operations

By: Nic Abelian, AnotherZero

In today’s competitive business landscape, simply offering a good product or service is no longer enough. Customers expect more—they demand exceptional experiences at every touchpoint. While many companies claim to deliver this elevated experience, the reality often falls short. This disconnect is known as the Experience Gap. According to industry statistics, while 80% of companies believe they deliver an “elevated experience,” only 8% of customers agree. This significant variance highlights a critical need for businesses to re-evaluate their approach. Enter the concept of customer-optimized operations, a revolutionary strategy that redefines how services align with customer expectations.

Lasandra Barksdale, Founder & Principal of Kompass Customer Solutions, is at the forefront of this transformative approach. “We work with companies to shorten the Experience Gap,” she explains. “Our goal is to help service-oriented businesses uncover hidden opportunities in their operations and customer interactions that reduce churn, drive loyalty, and ultimately boost their bottom line.”

Customer-optimized operations go beyond temporary fixes. This methodology focuses on fine-tuning every aspect of a company’s operations to meet and exceed customer needs consistently. It ensures that services are not only efficient but also aligned with what customers truly value. This comprehensive approach is what differentiates Kompass Customer Solutions from the competition.

At the heart of this approach is their G.U.I.D.E. Framework™. The G.U.I.D.E. framework stands for:

  • Gather & Listen: Identifying what customers expect and need.
  • Understand: Analyzing the current experience delivered and assessing alignment with the brand promise.
  • Innovate: Defining the experience that must be delivered to keep the brand promise and exploring innovative ways to achieve this consistently.
  • Deploy: Implementing the necessary changes and improvements.
  • Evaluate: Continuously assessing the effectiveness of the delivered experience through metrics and feedback mechanisms.


“Our G.U.I.D.E. framework ensures that every interaction is purposeful and aligned with customer expectations,” Barksdale notes. “It’s about creating a seamless and delightful experience that customers are happy to pay for.”

One of the most compelling aspects of customer-optimized operations is its holistic nature. It doesn’t just address surface-level issues; it delves deep into both front-office and back-office processes to eliminate inefficiencies that impact customer and employee satisfaction. This integrated approach ensures that businesses not only save resources but also enhance the overall customer experience.

“Looking at how your front-office and back-office processes impact the customer’s ability to achieve their goals is often an overlooked strategy,” Barksdale explains. “By optimizing these processes, we help our clients deliver services that delight customers and retain them.”

Kompass Customer Solutions offers a suite of services designed to support this approach, including consulting, coaching, and online reputation management services. Each of these services is tailored to address specific pain points and drive meaningful improvements.

What truly sets Kompass Customer Solutions apart is their commitment to partnership and investment in their clients’ success. Barksdale emphasizes, “We don’t just provide recommendations and walk away. We partner closely with our clients, diving deep into their processes and customer journeys to ensure that the changes we implement are sustainable and impactful. We are deeply invested in helping them achieve their goals and realize the full potential of customer-optimized operations.”

This hands-on approach has garnered positive feedback from clients who appreciate the tangible, actionable, and measurable outcomes delivered by Kompass Customer Solutions. “Working with them has not only transformed my mindset but also revolutionized the way I approach my clients and offerings,” says Darlene Richardson of Exhale Spa Escapes. “Understanding my market and customer needs has become second nature. Thanks to their guidance, I’ve streamlined my products and offerings, resulting in improved efficiency and greater customer satisfaction.”

Customer-optimized operations represent a paradigm shift in how businesses approach customer experience and operational efficiency. By focusing on the integration of these two critical aspects, companies can achieve a clearer view of ROI and impact. This approach not only improves customer satisfaction and retention but also reduces costs to serve and cycle time, offering immediate relief to the team and long-term benefits to the business.

Lasandra Barksdale’s vision and the G.U.I.D.E. Framework™ provide a robust roadmap for businesses looking to bridge the Experience Gap and excel in today’s demanding market. As more companies adopt this innovative strategy, the future of customer experience will undoubtedly be shaped by the principles of customer-optimized operations.

Kompass Customer Solutions invites businesses to embrace the transformative power of customer-optimized operations. By aligning operations and growth strategies with customer expectations, the firm helps build loyal customer bases that drive businesses forward. With a commitment to thought leadership, innovation, and measurable impact, Kompass Customer Solutions is at the forefront of business consultancy, delivering tangible results that matter. For more information, visit Kompass Customer Solutions or connect with Lasandra Barksdale on LinkedIn.


Published By: Aize Perez

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