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How Erin Wall Found Her Light and Thrived after Psychosis

People who struggle with mental illness often feel very isolated and alone. The stigma of having a mental illness can be difficult to overcome, and it can be hard to open up and reach out for help. All this can make someone feel ashamed and hopeless as if no one understands their struggles. Those with conditions may feel like they are fighting an invisible battle and that no one else can relate to the pain and confusion they feel. Erin Wall remembers the feeling all too well, but her journey of self-discovery and internal healing has led her to rediscover her light. Now, her mission in life is to help others find theirs just as she did.

Erin Wall, born to a military family in New York, has experienced plenty of ups and downs over the last 28 years. 

A profoundly keen intellectual, Erin has acquired two degrees in different fields of interest. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business from San Diego Christian College and a Master’s Degree in Project Management from Grantham University.

Meeting and making friends with all different kinds of people from all walks of life inspired Erin to finally share her story. So she sat down and started to write a book about her journey so far—focusing on her struggles with mental illness and, most especially, psychosis.

Previously, only close friends and family knew about the traumatic mental breakdown that happened when she was 23 years old, which subsequently resulted in her having very little recollection of her youth. Due to this extreme episode, she had to relearn many things about her life and herself—something that many people find simply unimaginable.

“Though there have been unexpected trials and tribulations, it has been and continues to be a good life. I found love, comfort, and my path to success thanks to the story told in this book,” she shared.

Erin’s book, Finding Success After Failure: How Psychosis Made Me and Did Not Break Me, recounts her unique and painful journey of self-discovery and healing through the toughest and most turbulent time in her life.

“There was a time in my life when I believed I wasn’t strong enough to survive this world. But the truth is, those moments in my life were what defined my self-worth. Not because of the mistakes I made or what those choices caused, but, rather, I might never have found myself without losing my way first,” she said.

Erin credits her writing process as a major factor in her own healing journey, and she has made it her mission to assist others on their journeys by establishing a non-profit organization focused on mental health. As each person’s brain is distinct, the healing process for everyone is unique. For many, it can be a difficult endeavor to overcome their traumas and rediscover themselves. But Erin serves as an example of how recovery is achievable when paired with hope and effort.

Erin has plans to return to her studies and become a doctor. She aims to get her doctorate in psychology so she can become a psychologist and help others who are looking to heal.

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