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Game On: Solar Bootcamp University’s Venture into Gaming-Inspired Sales Platforms

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Gamification might be a buzzword, but it’s famous for a good reason. The design and development concept that combines games and gaming with traditionally non-gaming tasks can increase engagement and motivation and provide a better experience. People have been applying it to anything from their workflows to weight loss, to much success — gamification helps stick with things and get them done. It might also make doing them fun, a welcome side effect.

Garrett Mendelsohn’s vision for the solar sale industry takes the concept further. “We wanted to create the first solar eSports platform with,” Mendelsohn explains. “It’s a sales platform where people can watch competitions on Twitch, YouTube Live, or Facebook Live.”

A veteran in the solar sales industry, Mendelsohn has been an outlier in an industry that’s traditionally relied on footwork and selling in person. During his five-year career in the industry, he’s been working hard to develop techniques that helped him achieve results above industry standards. “I don’t think there’s a single person who sells more virtually than me, at least not publicly,” he explains.

Mendelsohn founded the Solar Bootcamp University  as a place where industry professionals can learn everything they need to switch from the traditional, door-to-door sales method to the virtual sales methods championed by Mendelsohn. After the success of Solar Bootcamp University, he got the idea to make solar selling a spectator sport.

“Solar is very competitive. People already compete all the time in tournaments within companies,” Mendelsohn explains. “We just put it on a virtual playing field where everyone can watch. It’s an industry first, and it will be extremely popular.” is the platform he built for his mix of eSports and solar sales. On it, people can come and watch people doing live solar sales. The bulk of the appeal comes from the competitive aspect of the platform, which Mendelsohn likens to watching a football game on ESPN. There’ll be teams fighting other teams, live commentary, and even player statistics.

An aspect he doesn’t want people to overlook is that the platform, even though providing fun, will also be a handy resource for industry professionals who want to learn how to better close sales virtually. In that sense, can give an insider look into the very core of the industry, putting the viewers right next to the people who are doing it.

“There will be NFTs, and it’s going to be on Metaverse, too,” adds Mendelsohn. “People will be able to actually go in with VR and then watch a tournament on a screen inside with other people so that they can chat. And it’s training because people are watching and learning.”

With the industry’s direction, Mendelsohn’s new project has every chance to succeed. The solar industry is just starting and has plenty of room to grow. Like many other sectors experiencing rapid growth, people are flocking to solar sales for a new career.

With Solar Bootcamp University and, Mendelsohn can provide the necessary skills and create a competitive sales space that fosters complete transparency. That might answer some of the industry’s problems and pave the way for a more responsible and entertaining future for solar sales. 

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