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Dhana Bunel Empowers Mothers to Embrace their Maternal and Professional Roles

Dhana Bunel Empowers Mothers to Embrace their Maternal and Professional Roles
Photo Courtesy: Antoine Harrt / @antoine_h_photography / MUA: Fabien Paquet / Hair by So Sonee

By: Silvia Garcia 

Motherhood is no easy role to play—as many mothers from across the globe can attest. Not every experience is similar to the next. Sometimes, the pressure and expectations from the people around them can be more taxing than raising kids. 

For instance, some people expect working mothers to give up their careers to care for their children, while stay-at-home moms receive similar criticism for being around the kids too much. 

Influencer Dhana Bunel proposes a third option: why not both? 

She stopped working to take care of her son but admitted to losing a significant part of herself career-wise. 

Don’t get her wrong, though. She remains grateful to be able to look after her child, but there’s no denying that she lost herself in motherhood. 

Eventually, after all the doubt in her parenting and loss of self-confidence, Dhana learned to trust herself and embrace her body. It was then she knew that she had the ideal opportunity to create something different and positive. 

“I decided to go public on my Instagram personal account and share my fashion style and sensitivity with the world because I wasn’t feeling myself at that time, and I was looking for a passion of mine to explore,” she shared. 

As an influencer and model, Dhana shared her fashion sense on her social media platforms. Other mothers enjoyed her style and saw her as an inspiration. 

Learning to love herself was crucial when she went public in 2022. After seeing its positive impact on her and how her community gravitated toward her warmth and authenticity, Dhana constantly puts out the message of self-love to her followers so they can also see and embrace the beauty of their uniqueness.  

Yet Dhana hopes to encourage them beyond the topic of fashion and encouraging words on social media. 

One of her recent undertakings is becoming the CEO of her own company, Chez Graze, a catering service that offers gourmet charcuterie platters or grazing tables to coincide with the well-loved trend and encourage communities to dine sustainably. 

“It’s never too late to start living the life we want to live. It’s never too late for a second career to approach a new lifestyle or a new project and, of course, to start all over again,” she said. 

Dhana has already set her objectives for Chez Graze as she and the company move forward. 

Some of their recent plans include partnering with local producers, governments, and companies to ensure a sustainable lifestyle and establish purchasing centers to minimize carbon footprint. 

Chez Graze is already working with a well-known group, which they have yet to disclose. In the meantime, the company has partnered with other businesses and organizations, like Iris Optic, REMAX, BNP Paribas, Naturacoeur, and Maptitetchemise, to name a few, which rely on Chez Graze to cater their corporate and private events. 

By setting an example for herself, Dhana hopes to help other women be financially independent and successful themselves and make a difference in the modern world. 

“I would like to inspire women and moms all around the world by showing them that they too can become successful in male-dominated industries like food catering and entrepreneurship,” he said. 

Living the life she wants isn’t an easy task, but Dhana says that resilience is vital to setting the foundation that would lead her there. Like all the wisdom she learned over the years as a mother and entrepreneur, she also shared that valuable advice with her community. 

“Do it anyway, especially if you are scared. That only means that you are getting out of your comfort zone and, as a consequence, doing something different,” she concluded.


Published by: Khy Talara

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