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Tony Delgado’s Tech Revolution in Post-Hurricane Puerto Rico

Tony Delgado’s Tech Revolution in Post-Hurricane Puerto Rico
Photo Courtesy: Tony Delgado

By: Joshua Finley

In September 2017, Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, leaving much of the island without power, water, or basic infrastructure. Amid the chaos and destruction, Puerto Rican-American tech entrepreneur Tony Delgado saw more than just a humanitarian crisis—he saw an opportunity to make a lasting impact. While many flew in to offer short-term aid, Delgado made the bold decision to relocate to Puerto Rico full-time, committing himself to helping the island rebuild in a way that would create sustainable, long-term economic growth.

Delgado’s response to the storm wasn’t just about restoring what had been lost—it was about reimagining Puerto Rico’s future. He recognized that technology and entrepreneurship could play a key role in reviving the island’s economy. With his background in tech and digital entrepreneurship, Delgado set out to equip Puerto Ricans with the tools they needed to build a brighter future for themselves.

The Birth of Disrupt University

One of Delgado’s first initiatives was the creation of Disrupt University, an online learning platform designed to teach young Puerto Ricans the skills they need to thrive in the digital economy. Delgado saw education as the key to Puerto Rico’s recovery. By providing access to high-demand skills like coding, digital marketing, and e-commerce, Disrupt University empowers individuals to create their own online businesses and generate income, even in the midst of economic challenges​.

Disrupt University’s focus on practical, real-world applications makes it different from traditional educational models. Students aren’t just learning theory—they’re learning how to build profitable businesses from the ground up. The platform has reached thousands of students, many of whom have gone on to create successful digital ventures, contributing to the island’s economic recovery​.

Turning Crisis into Opportunity

For Delgado, the devastation of Hurricane Maria highlighted the inequality and economic challenges that had long plagued Puerto Rico. He realized that the island’s recovery would require more than just rebuilding physical infrastructure—it would require building new economic opportunities. Delgado’s approach focuses on using the internet and technology to create wealth, a philosophy encapsulated in his mantra: “All you need is WiFi and a dream”​.

His work with Disrupt University has been instrumental in helping Puerto Ricans shift from traditional employment to digital entrepreneurship, allowing them to create their own opportunities rather than relying on jobs that may not exist in the island’s post-hurricane economy. By teaching skills that are in demand globally, Delgado is giving people the tools to succeed in the modern world, regardless of their location.

Disrupt Week: A Tech Renaissance for Puerto Rico

Delgado’s vision for Puerto Rico doesn’t stop with education. In 2018, he launched Disrupt Week, a seven-day festival designed to bring together tech entrepreneurs, investors, and thought leaders from around the world. Modeled after South by Southwest (SXSW), Disrupt Week offers workshops, panel discussions, and networking events aimed at sparking innovation and collaboration​.

The goal of Disrupt Week is not only to provide education and resources for local entrepreneurs but also to attract global talent and investment to Puerto Rico. By showcasing the island as a potential hub for innovation, Delgado hopes to create a thriving tech ecosystem that will drive economic growth for years to come. Disrupt Week has already attracted influential speakers and entrepreneurs, further cementing Puerto Rico’s place on the map as a destination for tech and business innovation​.

Empowering the Next Generation of Innovators

Delgado’s work is not just about rebuilding—it’s about empowering the next generation of leaders. Through Disrupt University and Disrupt Week, he is giving young Puerto Ricans the opportunity to take control of their futures. By providing access to world-class education and mentorship, Delgado is helping to foster a new generation of tech entrepreneurs who can contribute to Puerto Rico’s economy in meaningful ways.

“We’re creating a culture of disruption and innovation,” Delgado says. “Puerto Rico has the talent and creativity to become a global leader in tech, and we’re providing the tools and opportunities to make that happen”.

Tony Delgado’s decision to move to Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria was more than just a personal mission—it was the beginning of a tech revolution. Through his work with Disrupt University and Disrupt Week, Delgado is transforming Puerto Rico from a place of crisis to a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship. His efforts to provide digital education and foster a culture of entrepreneurship are helping to rebuild the island’s economy from the ground up, offering hope for a brighter, more prosperous future.

Delgado’s vision is clear: to turn Puerto Rico into a global leader in technology and innovation. By focusing on education, mentorship, and community-building, he is not only helping the island recover from disaster but also creating a legacy that will last for generations.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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