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Zenpike’s Comeback: Art, Music, and Wellness in Florida

Zenpike’s Comeback: Art, Music, and Wellness in Florida

By: Joshua Finley

On September 21, 2024, Zenpike will reemerge with a vibrant fusion of art, wellness, and music, symbolizing the rebirth of a beloved community that has always been a haven for mindfulness and connection. Nestled in the heart of Florida, this one-of-a-kind event marks the relaunch of Zenpike, a group that is deeply committed to fostering wellness through art, nature, and holistic practices. The event aims to be a multisensory experience where creativity and community intersect in powerful ways.

The relaunch is more than just a celebration; it’s the beginning of a new chapter for Zenpike, one that honors the legacy of a cherished community figure, Darlene L. Pfeiffer. The day will be filled with live art, soothing sounds, and performances by local musicians. Each event element has been carefully curated to elevate the senses, allowing guests to immerse themselves in a peaceful, creative environment that reflects Zenpike’s renewed commitment to holistic well-being.

A Tribute to Darlene L. Pfeiffer: The Heart Behind the Relaunch

Zenpike’s relaunch is a look toward the future and a heartfelt homage to its past. Central to this celebration is the memory of Darlene L. Pfeiffer, whose profound influence on Zenpike continues to be felt long after her passing. Darlene, a beloved community member, passed away on April 6, 2023, leaving behind more than just fond memories—she left Zenpike with a generous financial gift in her will. This contribution has made the center’s expansion and transformation possible, providing the support needed to grow its offerings and reach a broader audience.

Darlene’s passion for Zenpike was rooted in her deep belief in its mission: to provide a tranquil space for individuals seeking peace and personal growth. Her vision was always to see Zenpike thrive, and her donation has enabled the community to make significant strides in achieving that dream. For Zenpike, this event is as much about relaunching the brand as it is about honoring the woman who played such a pivotal role in its journey.

“We are forever grateful for Darlene’s generosity and unwavering belief in our mission,” said Kirby Monestime, Zenpike’s managing director. “Her gift has allowed us to build upon her vision and create new growth opportunities. This relaunch is a celebration of her spirit and the lasting impact she has had on our community.”

An Immersive Event to Celebrate Wellness and Creativity. The September 21 event is designed to engage all the senses and invite participants to experience what Zenpike offers. Upon arrival, guests will be welcomed into an immersive art exhibit featuring live paintings from local Florida artists.

Leading the live art segment is Sergey Gordienko, known widely by his Instagram handle, @Dowhatyoulove.artist. Sergey is a well-known influencer and artist in Florida, famed for his vibrant, emotion-driven artwork that often explores themes of mindfulness and self-expression. His unique style, a blend of abstract and contemporary art, has garnered him a large following both online and within the local community. Having his creative energy on display during Zenpike’s relaunch is a major highlight, and guests will be treated to watching him bring a canvas to life in real-time. His presence further solidifies Zenpike’s commitment to intertwining art and healing as central components of wellness.

In addition to the live art, the event will feature a relaxation session using calming sounds from instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, and chimes. This part of the experience is designed to help guests unwind, reduce stress, and focus on mindfulness. Attendees are invited to participate in a group session where the soothing atmosphere encourages relaxation and mental clarity, reflecting Zenpike’s holistic approach to wellness.

Live musical performances from talented local musicians will further elevate the evening, adding a soulful layer to the celebration. Music has always been a way for people to connect with one another on a deep, emotional level, and at Zenpike’s relaunch, it will serve as the perfect backdrop for a night of reflection and joy.

Zenpike’s Vision for the Future: Expanded Services and Community Connection

As Zenpike embarks on this new chapter, the center remains committed to its core mission of providing a peaceful, supportive environment where individuals can reconnect with themselves and engage in holistic practices that nurture both mind and body. The relaunch signifies more than just a rebranding—it’s an expansion of the services and programs Zenpike offers to the community.

In the coming months, Zenpike will introduce a range of new wellness offerings, including personalized programs tailored to individual needs and workshops and retreats designed to help people on their personal journeys of growth and self-discovery. These expanded services reflect the center’s deepening commitment to mindfulness, self-care, and community connection.

“We’ve always been focused on providing a space where people can come to heal, whether that’s through art, nature, or holistic practices,” said Monestime. “Now, with this relaunch, we’re excited to offer even more ways for individuals to engage in their own journey and connect with others in the process.”

Zenpike’s relaunch on September 21 is more than a single event—it’s the beginning of an exciting new era for the center and the community it serves. By blending art, music, and wellness, Zenpike is creating a space where creativity and wellness provide individuals with the tools they need to live more mindful, balanced lives.

The influence of Darlene L. Pfeiffer, whose spirit continues to inspire and guide the center’s mission, will be felt throughout the event and beyond. With her legacy at the forefront, Zenpike’s future is brighter than ever, and the center is poised to become an even more vital resource for the community in the years to come.

For those seeking a space to connect and grow, Zenpike’s relaunch is just the beginning.

For media inquiries, please contact Jackie Minsky at


Published By: Aize Perez

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