US Insider

Wall Street Predicted Danvel’s Global Market Entry: Nazar Babenko & Igor Kotov

Danvel again got into the epicenter of the discussion of world traders. Wall Street is buzzing with news of the Asian financial giant’s possible entry into the global market. And while someone in the offices of New York in a panic is developing anti-crisis plans for this, the heads of the company from the S & P 500, it seems, non-distillation marketed to conclude contracts, being afraid of a strong competitor. In any case, social networks are full of photos of eminent traders seen together with members of Danvel directors Nazar Babenko IG: @nazar_8888_ and Igor Kotov IG: @igor_kotov

In general terms, we recall why. Although Danvel is headquartered in Switzerland, the company has been operating in China for many years. This is a diversified company specializing in trading goods and currencies, as well as one of the trade leaders in the Asian market.

An Amazon spokesman noted that Danvel will sooner or later be forced to announce its entry into the global market. However, the company’s management was prompted to take such a step not only by necessity, but also by self-confidence. No wonder that Nazar Babenko IG: @nazar_8888_ and Igor Kotov IG: @igor_kotov are called the youngest geniuses in the field of network marketing. 

And now about what benefits the Danvel trading team will receive from moving to the international level. The leaders of the largest public companies in the United States earned on average 324 times more than their ordinary employees in 2021, a study by the largest American trade union organization AFL-CIO showed.

In 2020, the ratio was 299 to 1, in 2019 – 264 to 1. Fred Redmond, general secretary of the union, said this and added that during the pandemic, the difference between the average salaries of employees and managers of American companies increased by 23%. at the same time, at Danvel, such figures already exceed the market trend – by 42%.

In general, we stock up on popcorn and continue to monitor the situation.

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