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Unlock Facial Beauty: Svitlana Skrynnyk’s Face Lipo3 Method

Unlock Facial Beauty Svitlana Skrynnyk's Face Lipo3 Method
Photo Courtesy: Svitlana Skrynnyk

By: Amanda Gram

Svitlana Skrynnyk, born in Ukraine, has been living permanently in the United States since 2022. She is a doctor of aesthetic medicine and transplantology, the creator of a unique method for combating changes that occur on the human face due to age and unhealthy lifestyle.

The method developed by Dr. Lana is called Face Lipo3 and involves non-surgical removal of fat deposits in the lower third of the face and the area of the neck and back where deposits of deforming fat form local lipodystrophy. In other words, a hump.

Liposuction Without Surgery

Svitlana Skrynnyk’s innovative development is not just a challenge of time. It is a chance for everyone to achieve perfect appearance without surgical intervention.

The non-surgical liposuction invented by Dr. Lana completely eliminates the use of general anesthesia and a long recovery period. Moreover, recovery after Face Lipo3 is quick and at home with minimal restrictions. It only takes a few days for cosmetic swelling to subside, and you are ready for a party! Birth of Face Lipo3 The creator of the non-surgical liposuction method Dr. Lana spent several years developing it. 

After school, she entered the medical faculty of the oldest medical university in Ukraine named after A. A. Bogomolets, which since the mid-XIX century has been known for the fact that almost all of its graduates are famous doctors.

Svitlana Skrynnyk did her internship at the National University of Health of Ukraine named after P. L. Shupyk, founded in 1918. During her studies, she conducted research in the field of psychiatry. In particular, she studied the psycho emotional state of people suffering from eating disorders and dysmorphophobia – excessive concern about non-existent defects in their appearance.

Gradually, aesthetic medicine became an area of interest. To help people love themselves, Dr. Lana came up with a way to improve their appearance without resorting to a scalpel or any aggressive methods. Thus, Face Lipo3 was born, thanks to which men and women around the world get rid of unsightly fat humps and acquire a beautiful face.

For outstanding achievements in the field of aesthetic medicine, in particular for the development of the innovative technique Face Lipo3, Dr. Lana was awarded the state award of Ukraine “Order of Honor” and the title of “Great Ukrainian.” 

What is Face Lipo3 

Non-surgical liposuction by Svitlana Skrynnyk’s method is carried out with a special needle, with which the doctor makes small punctures in the skin. Through it, excess fat is extracted into a syringe, and the remaining fat tissue is smoothed out by hand to an elastic state.

Despite the simplicity of the description, the procedure is performed only by experienced specialists, as the lower third of the face contains the nasolabial area, the chin area, the jawline, and the upper part of the neck of the person. Here are concentrated the important arteries – the internal carotid, upper thyroid, lingual, facial, occipital, posterior auricular, and ascending pharyngeal arteries, as well as nerves. Therefore, the doctor’s actions must be precise and confident.

The effectiveness of non-surgical liposuction Face Lipo3 largely depends on the preparedness of the specialist, says Dr. Lana. Just knowing anatomy is not enough. It is important to have a deep knowledge of the technique itself, personal communication with the patient, and ultrasound examination of the soft tissues of the face.

“Each person requires a strictly individual approach. Before the procedure, the doctor must draw up a personal map for the patient, according to which punctures will be made on the skin. Without knowing the structure of the vascular system of a person, the condition of his subcutaneous adipose tissue, connective tissues, and lymphatic system, it is impossible to focus correctly on the area,” says Dr. Lana, emphasizing that chaotic punctures during Face Lipo3 are unacceptable. 

Where Can I Get Non-surgical Liposuction by Svitlana Skrynnyk’s Method?

The unique method of the Ukrainian doctor is widely used in European aesthetic medicine clinics. In the USA, non-surgical liposuction can only be done in Miami, Florida, for now. However, seeing the growing popularity of Face Lipo3 among patients and the interest shown in it by the expert community, the doctor plans to open Educational Centers in key regions of America, where American aesthetic doctors will be able to learn the innovative method of fat removal.

In addition, a book is being prepared for publication, in which Dr. Lana describes in detail the essence of her technique. According to the author, it will become a methodological manual for studying Face Lipo3 and will be used in Educational Centers along with practical classes on models.

Published by: Martin De Juan


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