A great number of Americans struggle with their bad credit score, preventing them from taking the next big leap in their individual or family lives, such as purchasing a new house or car. A bad credit score also prevents them from getting bank loans to finance a business venture. The best remedy is to pursue credit repair. Unfortunately, the only way to guarantee its success is to seek the help of a reliable credit repair company with an excellent track record, such as the James Warren Group Inc. With her commitment to seeing significant improvement in her clients’ lives, company co-owner Theano Shively is in the best position to create impact after having spent 12 years in the banking industry.
Theano is a first-generation Greek-American and was strongly influenced by the work ethic of her hardworking parents. She co-owns the James Warren Group with her husband, Dylan. Her passion for banking and financial literacy was one of the elements that prompted her to establish her own credit repair company, which prioritizes the financial education of all its clients. James Warren Group is founded on non-negotiable values that include integrity and ethics, highlighting the importance of keeping clients well-informed regarding the financial realities they are facing.
“We are transparent with all of our clients. We tell them what they need to hear, not want they want to hear. We run our business with integrity. We will never sugar coat something to just close a deal,” Theano shared. “We become our clients’ accountability partners. We make sure that they are always sticking to their credit repair plan, and we hold them to it. We want to change lives.”
Theano’s motivation to develop the James Warren Group draws heavily from her noble desire to see more people live the American dream. To do that, people need to have a good credit score. “Growing up, we never really spoke about credit or finances. It was considered to be disrespectful to ask your parents about money and such. I want to change that,” she explained. “I want our kids to know the truth about credit and how to budget. I want people to know there is a solution to having a bad credit score. I want people to know that credit cards are not evil. I want to just educate people and help them understand how credit works.”
Theano and Dylan have a distinct vision for James Warren Group in the next few years, including growing their business from a few thousand clients to 15,000. Theano envisions the company becoming a household name in schools, prisons, rehabilitation centers, and military bases, where they will hold seminars to teach individuals how to effectively and strategically fix their credit and leverage it to achieve their dreams. Ultimately, Theano aspires to see more people buy new homes and cars once their credits are repaired. She also wants to prove that credit repair works as long as the company does it correctly. In doing this, she aims to eliminate the stigma that credit repair is not practical or does not work at all.
Overall, the James Warren Group intends to provide genuine credit repair that can make a huge difference in people’s lives. With Theano and Dylan leading, the company strives to restore people’s faith in credit repair and provide it as a concrete solution to bad credit standing, opening the door to a bright future.