US Insider

Teleport NFT Creating Metaverse Applications in Its Minting Offer

It wasn’t too long ago that Facebook, which has now changed the mother company’s name to Meta following a huge live stream announcement, will be moving into metaverse applications. Accordingly, people have been diving into platforms and technologies to expand metaverse applications and benefits. One of the latest innovative groups to create such an offer is the founding team behind Teleport, an upcoming NFT with various metaverse building and experience enablements. 

Teleport NFT has created a collection of 3D artworks based on bunny-like creatures called the Teleport Founders Club. Each NFT mint has a unique characteristic of its own, bearing backgrounds, traits, and all kinds of fashionable differences that give every one of the 10,000 mints a life of its own. The Teleport Founders Club NFT is also people’s key to a whole new metaverse application as these NFTs integrate seamlessly into various digital lands, such as the famed Decentraland, which has skyrocketed in popularity since the start of the metaverse uptrend.

The NFT creators also introduced something called Portals, a non-fungible offer that gives people access to a whole new MetaSpaceof its own. “Our Portal NFTs are 360 virtual metaspace environments that are created by Portal owners and can be monetized in many different ways,” shares one representative of the NFT creators. “Users can create an environment or experience and sell the whole portal, create an art gallery to display the NFTs they are selling, or host a 360 live stream of a special event and charge an entry fee, to name a few.”

The NFT buyers and collectors will bear the name Teleport Founders Club and will experience all kinds of exclusive drops and rewards over the coming months. The Teleport Founders Club will also gain exclusive access to a mobile application to mint, trade, and showcase NFTs. There are also current developments towards creating a play-to-earn ecosystem for the Founders Club to monetize their NFT ownerships. All in all, the creators intend to create a community and ecosystem for investors to get an optimal return on their investments. 

Many people have been following the metaverse developments for a good part of 2021. Sandbox and Decentraland are currently the two leading metaspaces on the digital blockchain today, but more could rise in popularity and usage over the next few years. Many experts have pointed to this application as a catalyst to push forward a new age in digital development and blockchain. 

Accordingly, Teleport NFT hopes to turn the Teleport Founders Club into a group of early adopters that will co-labor with them to create new ways to interact via NFTs. The company behind the token hopes to create the next Snapchat or TikTok of the NFT world with its new trading and social interactions features.

“We hope to gain traction with the leading members of the NFT and Crypto community to establish ourselves as a reputable and trustworthy platform,” shares a company representative. “Content creators are also another target, as we want our platform to have plenty of cool portals and metaspaces for people to explore.”

Teleport will reveal the first 200 mints twenty-four hours after the 200th NFT is minted. All the other NFTs should be revealed by December 31, 2021. Visit their official website, Twitter, and Instagram for more information about the venture. You can also join the community’s discussions on its dedicated Discord server and Telegram group. To purchase a Teleport Founders Club NFT, visit the following website.

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