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Nicholas Schmid on the Secrets of Screenwriting Success

Photo Courtesy: Nicholas Schmid
Photo Courtesy: Nicholas Schmid

By: Joshua Finley

Anyone who has ever read a bedtime story knows that a tale beginning with the words ‘Once upon a time’ is very likely to end with a ‘happily ever after.’ But it’s the journey that counts, and the story that captures the imagination.

Human beings have been telling stories since we developed the ability to communicate. Stories of the hunt are found on cave walls everywhere in the world and each culture has its own mythology. We need stories to elevate us, give us hope and even heal ourselves from trauma.

One man who is elevating the art of storytelling is award-winning screenwriter Nicholas Schmid. Schmid, Development Coordinator at LB Entertainment. Schmid, a native Canadian, is currently based in Los Angeles, and amidst the glitz, glamor and cut-throat competition of Tinseltown he’s developing a reputation as a screenwriting force to be reckoned with.

Less than 5% of aspiring screenwriters find notable success in Hollywood. Despite the efforts of even professional writers, the majority of scripts never make it to production. This is largely due to intense competition, shifting industry trends, and the growing dominance of streaming platforms, which have made the path to success even more unpredictable. 

“Screenwriting can be lonely, but if you have a passion then you’ll find your way. I’ve been lucky enough to build a network of Academy members and industry leaders who have recognized my work and been happy to open doors. Yes, Hollywood can be a challenge, but if you push yourself, you can become part of one of the exciting industries in the U.S.,” says Schmid. 

The Story So Far

Nicholas Schmid on the Secrets of Screenwriting Success (2)
Photo Courtesy: Nicholas Schmid

Schmid has not only attracted the attention of Academy Award members such as Jay Roach, Director of Austin Powers. Bombshell and Meet the Parents, and Anna Thomas (Oscar-nominated screenwriter of films such as Frida and El Norte), but he’s also in the crosshairs of some of the biggest television and silver screen production companies in the U.S. 

In an industry that is known for being unforgiving of failure, Schmid stands out due to his unblemished track record of producing inspired scripts, and the awards that now line his study shelves. Judging by his track record of creativity, more shelf space might be required.

To date, Schmid has scooped up a laundry list of accolades that include:

  • Feature Winner of the 2024 Screencraft Action and Adventure Competition for the script Back to Vienna. 
  • Quarterfinalist in the 2024 Titan Awards Action and Thriller category for the script Koi 
  • Gold Award winner for Drama at the 2023 PAGE International Screenwriting Awards for Hare 
  • Semifinalist in the 2023 Academy Nicholl Fellowship for the script Hare 
  • Semifinalist in the 2023 Austin Film Festival Drama Feature category for Hare 
  • Second Round participant in the 2023 Austin Film Festival Drama Teleplay Pilot for the script Spill 
  • Second Round participant in the 2023 AMC One-Hour Pilot Award for Spill 
  • Quarterfinalist in the 2023 ScreenCraft Comedy Competition for the script Downhill

What makes Schmid’s track record even more impressive is the fact that it’s not so long ago that he traded in an academic gown for the mean streets of LA. 

Schmid graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and Science with a specialization in Political Science from McMaster University in 2020. He then enrolled at the American Film Institute (AFI), where he earned a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Screenwriting. However, when pushed he finds it difficult to determine which institution has had the significant impact on his blossoming screenwriting career.

Schmid is aware that his academic choices may at first glance seem eclectic. “The skillsets I gained at these institutions have contributed to my screenwriting career in very different ways. On the face of it, they seem unrelated, but, in my case at least, they’re complimentary.”

Schmid’s background in political science, combined with his passion for creative writing, has influenced his multifaceted approach to storytelling. From editing his university magazine to working on screenplays, he has honed the skill of embedding complex ideas within entertaining narratives. 

Says Schmid, “I believe audiences are far more open to receiving important messages when they’re woven into an entertaining, fun narrative, rather than feeling like they’re being lectured. It’s all about finding that balance between telling a meaningful story and keeping people engaged. That’s what I’m really aiming for—making a difference through storytelling that resonates without being overly preachy.”

The Modern Storyteller

Nicholas Schmid on the Secrets of Screenwriting Success (3)
Photo Courtesy: Nicholas Schmid

Nicholas Schmid approaches screenwriting with a strong focus on storytelling as the vehicle for delivering meaningful commentary. He believes that films and scripts should entertain first, creating an engaging experience for audiences before introducing any deeper messages.

Schmid integrates social satire and political themes into his work, but his priority is always to captivate viewers rather than overwhelming them with overt preaching. By blending entertainment with subtle commentary, he aims to keep audiences engaged while still provoking thought, resulting in stories that are both impactful and enjoyable.

Schmid believes screenwriters can use storytelling to guide audiences through emotions and social truths they might miss. He strives for a balance between entertainment and deeper meaning, integrating social commentary naturally into his narratives. Schmid’s goal is to subtly convey important messages, allowing the story to resonate with audiences on a variety of levels.

His diverse life experiences, from competing as a professional skier and coaching wealthy clients to working in construction and bartending, have shaped his writing. This wide exposure informs his scripts with authentic social satire and political commentary, giving his work a grounded, relatable quality that sets it apart. 

As Schmid notes, ‘America is a tapestry, woven from the threads of diverse cultures,  socioeconomic classes, blue and white-collar workers, young and old. This rich tapestry creates an ideal environment for exploring the hopes and anxieties that we share.” This societal fabric offers Schmid a unique lens through which to examine the intricacies of American life. 

For more insight into Nicholas Schmid’s creative approach and what fuels his track record of screenwriting success, visit his LinkedIn page.

 Published by: Josh Tatunay


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