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Filipe Trindade and Beatriz Gerlack Bridge Brazil-Saudi Ties

Filipe Trindade and Beatriz Gerlack Bridge Brazil-Saudi Ties
Photo Courtesy: Rafael Peixoto

Entrepreneur and CEO of Know-how Experience, the largest networking community in Latin America, Filipe Trindade is also the CEO and founder of Draper Startup House in Brazil. He made a name for himself as the first Brazilian judge on the world’s largest startup investment reality show, ‘Meet the Drapers,’ alongside Tim Draper, one of the top global startup investors and a backer of major figures like Elon Musk (Tesla and SpaceX), Hotmail, and Skype. Filipe has become an international reference for creating valuable connections among entrepreneurs worldwide.

Now, Filipe Trindade has invited Beatriz Gerlack, founder of the agency Bridge+55, to join him in a special project that strengthens the connection between Brazil and Saudi Arabia. Beatriz, who has nearly half her life’s experience in the national and international luxury market, brings over a decade of expertise from working at LVMH Group – Dior and Rimowa. Together, the two entrepreneurs are leading the Saudi prince Fahad bin Mansour’s agenda in Brazil.

Filipe and Beatriz are responsible for organizing the entire schedule for His Highness in São Paulo, facilitating strategic meetings with prominent business figures. Additionally, they curated the guest list for the Gala, adding value to the agenda with prestigious guests and connections through their extensive networks and knowledge in the business sector. Among the notable connections established, the prince met with Santa Catarina Governor Jorginho Mello, Paraná Governor Ratinho Junior, and Mato Grosso Governor Mauro Mendes, as well as personalities like Felipe Massa, football player Cafu, and São Paulo mayoral candidate Pablo Marçal. This partnership, combining their successful career paths, builds crucial bridges between brands and people, aligning Brazil and Saudi Arabia in key areas.

Recently, the two countries signed significant agreements in energy and agribusiness. Brazil, as a major food exporter, has much to offer Saudi Arabia, which seeks to diversify its agricultural supply sources. Furthermore, cooperation on solar and wind energy projects is expanding, driving innovation and supporting the sustainability goals of both countries. Saudi Arabia is heavily investing in technology and startups, while Brazil is consolidating its innovation ecosystem.

Beatriz Gerlack’s expertise stands out through her notable achievements, such as promoting the first international Dior exhibition in Latin America, held at the Tomie Ohtake Institute, and her partnership with Tania Bulhões and Rosewood, which brought impressive results for both brands. In 2023, Beatriz launched her PR agency, Bridge+55, at the Mandarin Oriental in New York, solidifying her position in the international market.

Filipe Trindade embarked on his journey to Silicon Valley in 2018, driven by a desire to immerse himself in the world of innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship. His mission was clear: to build connections with some of the most influential investors and entrepreneurs from around the globe. As he navigated the fast-paced and competitive landscape of the Valley, Trindade’s dedication and vision began to garner attention from key figures in the tech world.

In 2021, his efforts were rewarded when he earned a prestigious scholarship to study at Draper University, a renowned institution founded by venture capitalist Tim Draper. Draper University is celebrated for its entrepreneurial focus, training innovators and future leaders to think outside the box and turn bold ideas into reality. During his time at the university, Trindade continued to deepen his understanding of the startup ecosystem and expand his network among Silicon Valley’s elite.

It was also during this period that his journey took an unexpected and groundbreaking turn. Recognizing Trindade’s talent and potential, Tim Draper personally invited him to join the cast of the reality show “Meet the Drapers,” a popular television series that allows aspiring entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges and compete for investment. In a historic moment, Filipe Trindade became the first Brazilian judge on the show, marking a significant milestone not only for his career but also for representation within the tech and entrepreneurial sectors. His presence on the show underscored his rising influence in Silicon Valley and demonstrated the growing international presence in one of the world’s most innovative hubs.

Through his work as a judge on “Meet the Drapers,” Trindade has continued to inspire budding entrepreneurs, sharing his insights and helping to bridge the gap between global innovators and Silicon Valley investors. His journey from Brazil to the heart of the tech world serves as a testament to the power of persistence, vision, and a commitment to connecting with the right people at the right time.


Published By: Aize Perez

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