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Business Advice from 10 Successful Entrepreneurs

There’s no doubt that there has been a massive influx of entrepreneurship and business ownership, especially among young people. For these young people, the desire is not to get out of their daily 9 to 5 routine but also to change the world and make a difference. However, entrepreneurship and successfully running a business regardless of size is one of the most arduous tasks anyone can take on, especially considering how competitive the business space has become.

Even though the business industry has always been complex and unfavorable to the faint-hearted, thousands, if not millions, of successful businessmen and women have emerged throughout history. For the next foreseeable future, more people will follow the path of entrepreneurship.

In this list, we have gathered the opinions of established business owners and managers as they share a few practicable tips on how to successfully stay afloat as a business and what pitfalls to avoid as an entrepreneur.

  1. Elon Musk

Business success doesn’t come in handy, and as difficult as it is to reach the pinnacle of success, lifting off from the ground is even more challenging. However, if you must achieve success, you must first find your business endeavor interesting because only when something is important enough will you feel the need to get up and do it. Regardless if the odds are not in your favor. Most importantly, if you get up in the morning and realize that the future will be better, you have more reasons to get up.

Understanding why you do the things you do is another crucial realization to come to terms with. For instance, when you answer questions like, What Inspires you? Why do you want to live? And the most critical question, what do you love about the future? If the future does not include you being a star and a multi-planet specie, then there is no point in living.

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  1. Cheryl for foster care

Cheryl’s advice about women empowerment directed to young aspiring female entrepreneurs:

“Dress and look what’s right for you. You own the rights to your body and how you look and market yourself.  Give of yourself to women who empower you on just as much as you lift them up, no more, and no less. Make the next right move for you. Don’t get overwhelmed by choices. Don’t get deterred by what others think is right for you.  Put your fingers together and close your eyes and be immersed in your own feminine energy everyday. 

Feminine energy is miraculous!  Avoid competition: it takes more work to compete, just like it takes more muscles to frown! Live in the moment but with every action and thought think if this action will lead to the type of success you’re wanting to manifest in the future. Only plant seeds you want to harvest! Lift up and encourage other women around you and that gives you good vibes! Remember that your success is going to empower females! My female friends love to encourage foster kids too. They tell foster kids that they are beautiful and amazing and can do anything they set their minds to. Visit to learn more.”


  1. Sarita Pittman

I highly recommend that all business owners conduct a business audit every 90 days. Whether it is reviewing client feedback, profits, pricing, marketing, missed opportunities, or holes in customer transaction processes; it’s good to be informed about what needs improving and fixed. Don’t simply stop at knowing the results of your audit.

Choose what you can tackle head on first and work to improve that one thing until it’s no longer a problem. This behavior maintains the momentum for growth and shows your clients you’re constantly improving. Companies that fail to address major flaws can see them stockpile which leads to overwhelm and wasted time. It’s always good to know there is always something that can improve.

Never forget, the market and customer demands are forever changing. Knowing how your company can remain relevant and in the flow of trends will keep you ahead of the curve and in the minds of your ideal customers.


  1. Fia Johansson

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. Nobody’s perfect. We all fall down. What matters most is how quickly we get back up, learn from our mistakes and move on. The fear of failure is a common motivation killer. People don’t try something new because they fear they will fail at it. Stop saying I wish” and start saying “I will.” 

Accountability in the workplace is linked to an increase in commitment to work and morale. Ask for help, they laugh. Do it yourself, they hate. If you want to be successful, you will need to be your own cheerleader. You must push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you. Success is not won by those who were destined, it is for those who were determined. 


  1. Austin Zelan

A purpose-driven business looks beyond the surface level that everyone sees. Business decisions must always be taken in view of the purpose of the business, otherwise they could eventually come to compromise it. Do things based on purpose, not on cost or convenience. Those things should not be the main driving factor of any business and are secondary in nature. Always remember that purpose must come first, and everything else will fall into alignment.

Instagram: @austinnzee

  1. Jason Pierce

Do what you love, love what you do. Utilize the OODA Loop: Observe – Orient – Decide – Act.

Set achievable micro-goals, feed the courage wolf, and starve the fear wolf. Practice daily routines to flow to the positive, and set time aside daily for positive winning visualization. Establish your “Ethos” (a written creed to live by). Ours is: We are constantly challenging the status quo in everything we do. Win in your mind. Flow & Joy. #PlayOn

Instagram: @chronic_athletics; @chronicathleticscbd

Facebook: Chronic Athletics; Chronic Athletics CBD



  1. Shane Michael Sleeper

Addressing reality is key to acquiring the proper change. Reality can be ugly, uncomfortable, and risky. In addressing reality, you must come to terms with what your end pursuit is as well, and put the two in line for maximum impact, using what you are given along the way to do so. 

All of these things will vary from person to person as we are all individuals given unique ability, gift, and circumstance, but the story as a WHOLE still gets told. Where end pursuits tend to make the greatest impact, greater than we could ever imagine, occurs when we are in line with the correct foundation. 

It can not simply be beliefs and ideas that bring change, but action so that real change happens. If you focus on the necessary, the unnecessary will be taken care of. It won’t always be pretty. If you are bringing the change, you will find the same ones doing nothing are the same ones bitching about you doing something. Do it anyway. 


  1. Keith Ross Nelson

My two tips I learned recently in Kung Fu. One is a saying on the wall of our Dojo. It says “Train only to Master Yourself.” Are you doing your best? You’re only in competition with yourself. Don’t worry about others.

Just do you. The second one I came up with was, you never know so always be respectful. Be nice; be respectful; be honorable.

Instagram: @keithrossnelson

  1. Jessica Lewis

To have a purpose-driven business, you not only must know your purpose as the leader but also find the need to solve a problem. To be purpose driven, you must be people focused and solutions oriented. One cannot go without the other. Otherwise the disconnect will lead to discontent and discourse. Combining purpose, solutions to problems, and people-focused efforts, your mission will be solid and you will never lose passion for your purpose. 


  1. Preston K. Buhrmaster

Each and every day, give yourself a reason to get up in the morning. Set goals and exceed your wildest expectations. Block out the negative influences from your life and begin spending each day setting and reaching new goals. Put an exponential amount of energy into each task at hand, and you will be amazed by the tenfold of results that follow. You are the only one holding you back; go get it! Each and every day, give yourself a reason to get up in the morning. Set goals and exceed your wildest expectations. 

Block out the negative influences from your life and begin spending each day setting and reaching new goals. Put an exponential amount of energy into each task at hand and you will be amazed by the tenfold of results that follow. You are the only one holding you back; go get it!

Instagram: @prestonbuhrmaster

LinkedIn: Preston Buhrmaster


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