US Insider

MetaFi, the Gateway to a Web3-Centric World of Social Trading

During the past year, the general public has not only learned about non-fungible tokens and the value they bring to the table but has also started noticing whispers of a concept called Web3. However, Web3, a term coined to refer to the next iteration of the internet’s evolution, has existed for a while, holding the interest of those well-versed in the nitty-gritty of the digital space. Currently, it’s gaining momentum and capturing the attention of tech giants and powerhouses in the financial realm. The minds behind MetaFi are among those who have recognized that Web3 is the future. Armed with this awareness, they made a move to launch a platform where open trading of Web3 assets is possible. 

Admittedly, Web2 is credited for the birth of a host of innovations and revolutionary tools that changed the way people approach daily activities. Social media, for one, served as a new medium for meeting people, sharing information, and more. Yet, amid the long list of advantages that the current version of the internet offers, it cannot be denied that several challenges occupy the other side of the coin, including censorship, payment inefficiencies, and misuse of data. Web3 promises to bring improvements to these issues, and MetaFi is capitalizing on its strengths in order to empower NFT collectors, investors, and crypto enthusiasts. 

In essence, MetaFi is a gateway to a world where users trade, display their non-fungible tokens and communicate with text, images, or voice. Through their NFTs, one can become a Meta Citizen and choose from a vast selection of privacy settings.

“You can decide whether you want to display your wallet holdings, stream real-time trades to nearby Citizens, or keep everything private,” explained the team at the helm of this budding power player.

At the core of MetaFi is a Metaverse bank strategically built for social trading on Web3. It intends to maximize the passive income gained from an asset, such as tokens, NFTs, and land. The banks are set to differ and will depend on the MetaFi world city—some are only open to local citizens while others are reserved for premium clients holding $MetaFi. 

“Each Metaverse Bank provides a different set of services,” added those spearheading the conceptualization and launch of MetaFi. “They may specialize in digital real estate, staking or LP programs, NFT delegation, lending, and wealth management, to name a few.”

Apart from the financial perks that come hand in hand with MetaFi citizenship, one of its greatest appeals is the futuristic version of Earth it offers. In the MetaFi world, major cities are divided into zones: DEX, CEX, Launchpad, NFT, Fintech, Guild, Stock, Commodity, and others. 

Right now, the go-getters leading MetaFi are religiously adhering to a roadmap that includes staking of the $MetaFi, the drop of a concept trailer, DEX partnerships, and institutional adoption. By the end of the year, they hope to launch the alpha version of the Metaverse bank.

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